Mustafa arbejder jo rigtig meget for tiden. Fra klokken 7-15 og igen fra 18-23. Så jeg tilbringer en del tid alene. Og for at undgå at jeg bliver alt for inaktiv og kun bruger mit tid på Ipaden og slikke sol, har jeg besluttet at jeg hver dag skal gå mindst en rigtig lang tur, samt svømme i poolen, så længe vandet stadig er varmt.
(Mustafa working a lot of hours right now. Beginning at 7-15 and again from 18-23. So I spend a lot of time alone. And to avoid that I am being too inactive and only spend my time on the iPad and sunbathing, I have decided that every day I have to go at least one long walk and swim in the pool, as long as the water is still hot.
Today I went for a walk on the other side of the harbor. This is the first time I've been so far away. There was really nice and so many beautiful boats (which I forgot to take pictures of ups). When I went home I passed a lot of beautiful mosaic "jars". It is almost a kind of small walls they build around many of their trees down here. Moreover, many of their trees are painted white the first meter of the trunk. It's something they do to protect against termites.)
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